Austria, one of the richest European countries in terms of gross domestic product, has a relatively low FDI outflow according to data provided by fDiMarkets. Between January 2011 and November 2011, a large proportion of the country’s outward FDI went to the 'Rest of Europe' region, with 97 projects. This is almost three times the number of projects it initiated in western Europe, the second most popular destination for Austrian FDI.

Asia-Pacific recorded only 15 Austrian FDI projects, despite the fact that this region includes many emerging countries such as India, China, South Korea and Indonesia. North America recorded 16 projects, the Middle East six, Africa two, and Latin America and the Caribbean two.


Historically, the 'Rest of Europe' region has been a favoured FDI destination for Austrian companies, accounting for a total of 1299 projects since 2003. The second most favoured region, western Europe, has received just 369 projects in this period. Austrian companies have invested a total of $70bn into 'Rest of Europe', which accounts for more than 65% of the country's total FDI expenditure. Hungary and Romania have received the largest proportion of this capital.

Companies in other European countries such as Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Finland, the UK and Switzerland are clearly ahead of Austria in terms of internationalisation. Between January 2011 and November 2011, Ireland invested almost twice as much as Austria into all regions with the exception of the 'Rest of Europe' region.

In the first 11 months of 2011, the UK recorded its highest yearly FDI into Asia-Pacific, North America, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean with 460, 287, 87 and 112 projects, respectively, with one month of data still to be recorded.

Germany has invested heavily in Asia-Pacific, western Europe and 'Rest of Europe' in 2011. France favoured investment in western Europe with 201 projects in the region in 2011. It also recorded 131, 121 and 104 projects in Asia-Pacific, North America and Rest of Europe, respectively.

Finland invested almost equally into 'Rest of Europe' and Asia-Pacific, with 41 and 43 projects, respectively, while Swiss companies have western Europe and Asia-Pacific on an equal footing, with 116 and 115 projects, respectively. The Netherlands' most popular FDI destination is western Europe, but it favours Asia-Pacific over 'Rest of Europe', with 83 and 61 projects, respectively.

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